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Dmitri's Blog

Writing Ruby C Extensions

This post is inspired by Writing Ruby C Extensions Part 1 and Part 2 by Tenderlove Making, and uses ore as a project generator.


create a ruby gem called stree wrapping the C library libstree used to compute Suffix


Install ore.

gem isntall ZenTest ore

Create Project

mine stree \
    --bundler \
    --gemspec \
    --mini-test \
    --yard \
    --markdown \
    --name=stree \
cd stree

Write First Test

Before writing the first test we need to fix the generated files to work with the latest gems. We can now run

bundle exec autotest

Since I like reading spec style tests (describe and it blocks), let's convert the existing test.

Now, let's add a first real test.

# test/test_stree.rb
describe Stree do
  it 'should return "hello world"' do
    _(Stree.hello_world).must_equal 'hello world'

The test fails with a NoMethodError since hello_world is not defined for Stree. We will now implement this method in C.

C Extension Project Layout

It is customary to put C code in ext/<project-name>/. Hence

mkdir -p ext/$(basename $(pwd))


Inside the above directory we put an extconf.rb which will generate a Makefile which in turn can be used to build the C code.

# ext/stree/extconf.rb
require 'mkmf'
create_makefile 'stree'

You can test extconf.rb by running ruby ext/stree/extconf.rb which should create a Makefile. Running make gives "make: Nothing to be done for `all'." since we don't have a C source file yet.


#include <ruby.h>

static VALUE hello_world(VALUE self) {
    return rb_str_new2("hello world");

void Init_stree() {
    VALUE mStree = rb_define_module("Stree");
    rb_define_singleton_method(mStree, "hello_world", hello_world, 0);

Now re-running ruby ext/stree/extconf.rb and make creates stree.o and stree.bundle (on OSX).

Automating the build

We obviously want to automate this task. For this we can use the rake-compiler gem.

# Rakefile
require 'rake/extensiontask' 'stree'

Now we can run

bundle exec rake compile

which produces lib/stree.bundle.